Forum pszczelarskie - Pasieka Wędrowna
Forum pszczelarskie - Pasieka Wędrowna

Uwagi i komentarze - English thread

Juli2 - 07.02.06, 20:24
Temat postu: Question to you who can speak english!!
I don't know if this is the right thread to write in. But I have one question, can someone here speak english? I wanna ask you if you know a song that Kukiz and Liroy are singing. I would like to have the text. Can someone help me if you can? You can E-mail me if you want and send me some good song in Polski Just ask me for the adres.-
/ Julia from Sweden.

geman - 07.02.06, 20:40

Juli2 napisał/a:
I don't know if this is the right thread to write in.

Definitely not :roll: We're trying to talk about bees and beekeeping here. I tried to locate the text of the song you were asking but I didn't find. Maybe try ask your question on some music board. Sorry.

Juli2 - 08.02.06, 18:13

geman napisał/a:
Juli2 napisał/a:
I don't know if this is the right thread to write in.

Definitely not :roll: We're trying to talk about bees and beekeeping here. I tried to locate the text of the song you were asking but I didn't find. Maybe try ask your question on some music board. Sorry.

Okej, I'm very sorry that i was writing in wrong thread. But i can't speak so much Polski. My friend speak polish and she learns me, but I can't understand what the name of this thread means. What is the name of the thread as I can write in that I can get answers on my questions? (Polish name) :wink:

Thank you so much that you tried to help me. :) I'm grateful.

geman - 08.02.06, 18:24

You could write in this thread, especially for you I've splitted the topic you were writing yesterday. I can translate to polish what you wrote yesterday if you want.

Ok, I translated the text you wrote:

    Nie wiem, czy to jest właściwy temat, ale mam jedno pytanie, ktoś tu zna angielski? Chciałabym się dowiedzieć, czy znacie piosenkę, którą śpiewają Kukiz z Liroyem. Chciałabym mieć jej tekst. Czy możecie mi pomóc? Możecie przesłać mi na maila jakieś dobre piosenki po polsku. Tylko zapytajcie mnie o adres.

    / Julia ze Szwecji

Juli2 - 08.02.06, 21:15

geman napisał/a:
You could write in this thread, especially for you I've splitted the topic you were writing yesterday. I can translate to polish what you wrote yesterday if you want.

Ok, I translated the text you wrote:

    Nie wiem, czy to jest właściwy temat, ale mam jedno pytanie, ktoś tu zna angielski? Chciałabym się dowiedzieć, czy znacie piosenkę, którą śpiewają Kukiz z Liroyem. Chciałabym mieć jej tekst. Czy możecie mi pomóc? Możecie przesłać mi na maila jakieś dobre piosenki po polsku. Tylko zapytajcie mnie o adres.

    / Julia ze Szwecji

Oh, nice that you translate what I wrote. I can try to learn the sentence that you wrote in Polish. Now I wanna ask you something. Do you have any polish songs? example: Rock and rapp? Do you know who Peja is? He is a very good singer And I have some songs and they are sooo goood. I've found some texts but not all, there is a text that I want but can't find :(

geman - 08.02.06, 21:59

Juli2 napisał/a:
Oh, nice that you translate what I wrote.

No problem :wink:
Juli2 napisał/a:
Do you have any polish songs? example: Rock and rapp?

Sorry, I don't have any.
Juli2 napisał/a:
Do you know who Peja is?

Of course. :grin:

Juli2 - 09.02.06, 15:49

geman napisał/a:
Juli2 napisał/a:
Oh, nice that you translate what I wrote.

No problem :wink:
Juli2 napisał/a:
Do you have any polish songs? example: Rock and rapp?

Sorry, I don't have any.
Juli2 napisał/a:
Do you know who Peja is?

Of course. :grin:

Ok, do you know a web site that I can find a lot of songs of Peja? I don't know if "of" was the right word to write before Peja. hehe :lol:
And do you know a web site for teenagers as I can get contacts with? I would like to speak with them over internet :)

geman - 09.02.06, 16:32

Juli2 napisał/a:
Ok, do you know a web site that I can find a lot of songs of Peja?

I don't think that there is a plenty of them. Sharing of mp3's is prohibited.

Juli2 napisał/a:
And do you know a web site for teenagers as I can get contacts with? I would like to speak with them over internet

I really want to help you, but as you can see I'm not a teenager anymore (what a pitty ;) )

Juli2 - 09.02.06, 17:52

geman napisał/a:
Juli2 napisał/a:
Ok, do you know a web site that I can find a lot of songs of Peja?

I don't think that there is a plenty of them. Sharing of mp3's is prohibited.

Juli2 napisał/a:
And do you know a web site for teenagers as I can get contacts with? I would like to speak with them over internet

I really want to help you, but as you can see I'm not a teenager anymore (what a pitty ;) )

Hehe, I Know that you are adult, but I guessed that you maybe knew a site. But It's okey. Thanks for all the help from you! I really appreciate that! :grin:

geman - 09.02.06, 23:17

Just like I said - no problem :mrgreen:
Juli2 - 10.02.06, 14:54

geman napisał/a:
Just like I said - no problem :mrgreen:

Just like I said - Thank you :)

Is it you who made this site? :wink:

geman - 10.02.06, 20:11

Juli2 napisał/a:
s it you who made this site?

Not exactly, I've just modified the look. Creators are and

Juli2 - 10.02.06, 22:41

geman napisał/a:
Juli2 napisał/a:
s it you who made this site?

Not exactly, I've just modified the look. Creators are and

Okej, I think that this site is very good eaven if I don't understand so much :)

geman - 11.02.06, 02:01

Thx :grin: By the way, don't you think that the sex which you set in your profile isn't correct? :smile:
In english, polish word "mężczyzna" means "man".
If you are a girl, you should choose "kobieta" which means "woman"

Now you know two more polish words :mrgreen:

Juli2 - 11.02.06, 15:50

geman napisał/a:
Thx :grin: By the way, don't you think that the sex which you set in your profile isn't correct? :smile:
In english, polish word "mężczyzna" means "man".
If you are a girl, you should choose "kobieta" which means "woman"

Now you know two more polish words :mrgreen:

Haha, oh my god. How could I do this wrong. *blush*
Hehe, yes two more words, that's great! :D
And, can I have a picture or a banner in my profile? I see that you have a bee as avatar, i've tried to load up a picture, but it doesn't work.

geman - 11.02.06, 16:19

The size of the avatar must be less or equal 90x90 and it can"t be bigger than 9kB
Juli2 - 11.02.06, 17:01

geman napisał/a:
The size of the avatar must be less or equal 90x90 and it can"t be bigger than 9kB

Okej, thx. I'm going to try again :)

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